Mother Mary

Acrylic on Canvas
24” x 30” x 1”
Original $5,700

Mother Mary is depicted strong in the painting, reverently silent in Her prayer visioning Peace for the motherland and her children. Cloaked in silken lace, She gazes into the sacred pool reflecting the Moon lit from the Light of the Sun. Her vision shows the prophecy told of a sacred union and the holy child to come, a Peace barer to lead the lost to love.

Beloved Mother… send compassion please.
Our people have forgotten what it is to have peace.
Holy Chalice visions tell in the garden at the Well.
Prophecy told… Prince of Peace we behold.

Cher Lyn   

christ magdalene mary.jpg

The beginning of painting Mother Mary side by side with Cosmic Christ and Beloved Magdalene, in Glastonbury England, 2005-2006.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Mother Teresa

Spiritual Activism

My experience in activism has moved me to stand in a place of more understanding of our roots of  conscious compassionate action, which takes all aspects of the Goddess, her power, courage, passion and equally important to contribute is her heart-love, beauty and softness in tenderness. 

I honour all Beings for the integrity to be in a place of self discovery, clear, honest and real, and I honour the hearts who care enough to move into a place of "action" to help the children and our Mother Earth, to stand up for justice and truth, free of reaction. Blessed Be... for being joyful without attachment to goals, kindness in the midst of passion and finding our vision and initiating action in consciousness is the most powerful way to bring about change.

I am reminded of a dream I once had years ago, I will share: 

A white horse, (which to me represents a pure medicine power) was being held in a university by a professor.  This horse had never touched the Earth, never touched the ground or was allowed to run free.  I was with a group of activists who were readying to charge the university, a troop armed with weapons and a group of animals, a buffalo, lion and other power animals on the front line, to free the horse. 

I stopped feeling into a solution and crossed the line and tried to work as a mediator.  I went to speak with the leader who was very passionate and angry. I explained to her that I understood her anger and that indeed the horse needed to be set free, but I urged her to see another way. I suggested that maybe it did not require violence to liberate the horse. She could not hear me and came back at me with the same raging anger she had at the imprisonment of the horse. Immediately I lost my composure as she mirrored my own anger.  A resonance anger surfaced for me and I began to rage back at her.  As it was happening I thought oh my God I am raging angry now, just like her, just what I was trying to talk her out of, I am that. (end of dream)

This scenario is what I have seen in my old days of activism.  In respect to the paradigm shift we are living today is asked, that our activism can look and feel very different and the experience can be one of union in love and a feeling of success no mater what the outcome. In holding a grounded space of conscious love and centeredness we enable us to turn the wheel of human destiny from destruction to reverence, consciousness in action makes a vital contribution to ongoing efforts toward a peaceful, habitable earth. 

Inspire in part by Andrew Beath’s book, “Consciousness in Action.”


"... Move beyond any attachment to names." 
Every war and every conflict between human beings has happened because of some disagreement about names. 
It's such an unnecessary foolishness, because just
Beyond the arguing there's a long table of companionship, 
Set and waiting for us to sit down
                                   What is praised is one, so the praise as one too,
Many jugs being poured into a huge basin.
All religions, all this singing,
One song. The differences are just illusion and vanity.
Looks slightly different on this wall than it does on that wall
and a lot different
On this other one, but it is still one light.
We have borrowed these clothes, these time-and-space personalities,
From a light, and when we praise, we pour them back in.

Rumi - 13th century